Friday, February 18, 2011

Dog Food

Today I was feeding McKinley upstairs and Lincoln was running around. He went downstairs and was being very quite. I started getting nervous. When McKinley was done I headed downstairs to see what Lincoln was up to. I met him at the top of the stairs with a guilty look on his face. He had dog food on his face and shirt that he had spit up. The rest of it was on the stairs and the tile. Bear came and ate the big pieces (gross) and I cleaned up the rest. What was that kid thinking? :)

On a completely unrelated note, here is a picture JP took the other day on his phone. It's a fun family picture (minus him).


Tiffany said...

Congratulations on having McKinley! Hope you're feeling well and getting all settled again. :) I love her name, by the way! :)

Unknown said...

What is it with kids and dog food! Avery does that all the time. It is so gross!!