Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catching up: Christmas 2010

Christmas was a little stressful this year, wondering if McKinley would be coming early. Fortunately, she stayed put and I was able to enjoy Christmas out and about with family.

On Dec. 23 the Catlin clan got together in Bountiful for dinner, games and catching up. It was fun to see all my cousins and their families. We were missing the Washington folks, but everybody else was there - even the Schwabs from Virginia. Here we are trying to get the kids to take a picture. Lincoln was crying and Corbin is hiding. Thanks to Maren for trying!!
On Christmas Eve we went to the Porter's. We had dinner and games, along with the Nativity (words and songs!). Of course there were presents. We usually take a family picture each year (on a timer on someone's camera - nothing fancy) but we didn't this year. We will have to remember for next year.
Christmas morning we woke up and opened presents before heading to the Pays. Lincoln got a "bike" and loved it from the moment he saw it. We had to wake him up so we could leave on time so he was slightly asleep when we started down the stairs. The first thing he said was "Bike!" It was cute.
He got some books, a shirt and a little car as well. I gave Jefferson a remote helicopter and trick car. He gave me cash :) [I have since bought some clothes with that money!]
We got dressed and headed to my parents for presents and breakfast. It was a little more low-key this year since we only had our family and my Grandma/pa Pay. Usually we invite more family, but since we saw them Dec 23, we didn't. It was nice! We didn't take any pictures at the Pays.

The next day was Sunday. I tried to get a nice picture of Lincoln. I think this was the best one. He doesn't like taking pictures. The other ones are pretty hilarious :)

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