Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

It's been awhile since I've posted. Christmas was very nice. It seemed more low stress this year than ever before. Thanks to family and friends for wanting to spend time with each other rather than spend lots of money on presents! I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I did use my video camera for the first time. Hopefully I will download the footage soon :)

We had a nice New Year's Eve dinner at Boston's. I've been craving the Chicken Parmesan Pizza and the Ice Cream Sundae. I got both! Jefferson had the pizza and apple crisp. Yummy. We went home and played Wii (cause it's been like a year since we've played) and then counted down to 2009.

Lincoln is now 13 weeks old. Today he is exactly 3 months (Oct 7 - Jan 7). He is such a good boy. Yesterday I went back to work and it was his first day at day care. Luckily he is at the day care at school so it is super convenient. He did well the first day. I, on the other hand, was exhausted. I always forget how hard it is to go back to work. Plus I had activity days at 4 at my house. Wow. My good friend down the street brought us dinner. It's nice to have such thoughtful neighbors. I am grateful that I am just working every other day!

I will try and post some more pictures soon.