Monday, November 1, 2010

St. George

For Fall Recess (UEA weekend) I talked Jefferson into going to St. George. We left Thursday afternoon (Oct 14) and came home Sunday afternoon. We didn't get there until late Thursday. On Friday morning we went to the town square and walked around. Lincoln really liked the splash pad area and we spent the most time there after walking around. Since Lincoln was wet and we had no dry clothes we headed back to the house for lunch and naps. That afternoon we went back by the water to check out the International Festival going on. It wasn't too international and we didn't stick around too long. We also did some shopping. That night we watched a movie and went to bed.

On Saturday we drove to Grafton which is a small ghost town on the way to Zion. It was a long drive and Lincoln wasn't too happy being stuck in his seat the whole time. It was interesting to see Grafton, but I would call it a historically renovated town - not a ghost town. There wasn't much to see and nothing you were supposed to walk into. But we saw it. All those pictures are on Jefferson's camera. I got a picture of the bridge.

We stopped and ate lunch at a park that we passed on the way. Lincoln had a nice long nap when we got home. That night we ordered pizza and drove around the city at night. It was a relaxing vacation and I had a great time! It was also nice and warm (80s). I am glad we went.

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